Poor Effects, Poor Graphics, Poor Animation...
Unlike many animations, this animation clearly shows a lack of time invested and actual work. The only elements I see can be made within 20 minutes by any person with even the oldest version of Flash imaginable. The pixelated idea is poorly developed... the green part of the map does not match the rest of it at all and the fire special effects are cheesy to say the least... Just the entire plot is pointless and shows nothing except that sprite animation never has a point... it's either ripping off some anime show or just pointless.
Please, take these constructive comments on what you should try to aim for:
1. the materials matched (e.g. everything was pixelated or looked drawn or was Photo-extracted... I would enjoy the second because it is more traditional and 'in'... plus it shows you actually spent time).
2. better FX (unless you file it under comedy or don't upload it at all).
3. A plot... without a plot, it's pointless, and if it's pointless, it's not solid material- it's a little test or toy you made up for lols and giggles. Please don't upload tests or random little things you make- only finished works.
4. An Official Newgrounds start button. IT IS VERY IMPORTANT THAT YOU HAVE ONE.
5. A frame with the script 'Stop();' at the end of your animation... we don't need to see it twice unless we want to, thank you very much. If you add that script, add a replay button... either just use ActionScript 2 and use a behavior or find/make an ActionScript 3 thingy for the button.
Lastly, please don't submit unfinished works or poorly developed works. They will get blammed or voted poorly. I can't even begin to understand why people enjoy watching terrible animation loop, but I hope you will understand that sane people and flash animators who don't use sprites absolutely hate it. Newgrounds is a Showcase for the finished product, not your dumping ground for random files you found lying around that your four-year-old sister made.
Thanks, and no hard feelings,