Excellent piece... Has a great style, certainly orchestral-cinematic. I love the suddenness of sections, it's not traditional, but it's beautiful. The progression and flow of the piece is excellent, near flawless. My only big issue is that the percussion is lacking... some bass drum rolls here and there would be nice, although there's a considerable amount of lighter percussion in use.
One of the things I look for in classical is an aspect of music from the Romantic era- expressing a feeling and/or telling a story. This piece does that- it's vivid, descriptive, and unique.
The initial launch around 1:00 is an excellent point, and the dissonance reminded my of some of Wagner's stuff. From then on, it traveled contemporary orchestral-cinematic with some great passages... of both great joy and sorrow, it seems. The motifs flowed efficiently and effectively between ideas, and passages seemed complete, although this piece, although so long, could be written even longer to experience some new variations of these themes.
Instruments and symbolism-wise... I am a real stickler for certain things when it comes to harps, partially because I have experienced the rants of discontented harpists and partially because I find it one of the most expressive yet most misused (at least in cinematic) instruments. You used it well here, and provided some great melodic ideas, although more expression could have been used (I honestly love low notes on Harp and Piano, they provide great backing; also, counter-melodies on harp or guitar can sound great in the right instance). You honestly invoke a lot of symbolism in your choices, whether intended or not, and I am really REALLY happy to see that. :)
The epic size of this piece is commendable alone... I have only written three or four pieces past four minutes, and none as good as this.
Regarding some ideas and feedback, one issue is dynamics. There are certain parts where a crecendo on the instruments (3:15, for example), then a decrescendo, would be nice so it completes a full motion. There's a lot of bit where more "feeling" can be added through more expressive dynamics, but you did a great job on outlining motion.
Honestly, this is one of the finest pieces I have heard in a long time, although some more mastering could have been done and some more other bits. This is definitely in the top 8. :)
Excellent job, and good luck!