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    Orchestral music, weird instruments, and sample libraries just about sums it up.

    Sam Gossner @samulis

    Age 30, Male

    Sample Library Dev

    Berklee College of Music

    New England

    Joined on 1/3/10

    Exp Points:
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    samulis's News

    Posted by samulis - May 20th, 2011


    I am currently working on putting together a film called 'The Crusaders'. It's a solo project (besides the help of several skilled and generous voice actors), so that means I will be doing everything from writing the script to animating to scoring. In my Art galley, I'll put up production stills, and in my Audio gallery, I'll put up conceptual score segments. If you are interested in helping, there are quite a few ways, and I will be sure to give credit where it is due.

    Posted by samulis - February 5th, 2011

    I have recently been looking over some old themes I originally wrote down and I am thinking that they would be better in someone else's hands. If you are interested in creating some songs but want some themes to play around with first, you are welcome to ask me and I can send you the .mid files.

    In other news, you can now also 'request-a-render' and I can make you a 3D render within a week or so. That feature may be found on my website.

    Posted by samulis - August 21st, 2010

    Well, I have decided to move on into 3D graphics a bit. You can see some of my works below in my art gallery.

    Posted by samulis - May 30th, 2010

    I am proud to say that I have done my fourth lengthy review for a song. If you need serious critique on music, I would be absolutely thrilled to judge it.

    One thing- I am only good with Classical and Jazz. I will refuse to do rap (which I find the easiest form of music to write because you need virtually no music theory skills since the melody is chanting), but will do classic rock and pop , and maybe modern rock... though I don't advocate it or like it much.

    My reviews generally are about 3,000 characters long and cover everything from giving you praise for good bits to constructive criticism and ideas for arrangements or modifications. I generally spend between 10 and 30 minutes on any one review and do one about once every week or so.

    Posted by samulis - March 20th, 2010

    I don't know if you'll find this interesting... but I do. I wrote this up for a game-making program's website a while back and I think it is pretty good... I am sorry that you can't see the pictures in the tutorial... The ORIGINAL tutorial can be seen here in all its glory.


    Ever since the release of the first computers, digital artwork has been more or less a war for the highest quality pieces. The key to good art is a good program, however, do not feel that a good program is the only way to make good art. In this guide, you will learn how to make pictures that look like they could have been made in a program like Photoshop, but were made in a program like Paint or other less powerful programs.

    The Basics of Digital Art
    Of digital art, there are many catagories. The one we are dealing with most likely in this program is what I call 'pixel graphics'. In other words, instead of dealing with things like Photo Manipulation where you build off of previously exisiting objects (like a photo), we are most likely making our graphics by hand from scratch (or with a reference). These drawings are often looked down upon by those who paint or do much more complex model-based 'pixel graphics', such as those found most commonly in internet games and high-quality Flash games.

    Nevertheless, pixel graphics are actually a great place to start as an artist, because they require the creator to apply real-life knowledge (like what 'brown' looks like in the shade or what pattern woven cotton looks like). You, the creator of graphics, must be able to visualize your work in your mind's eye before building it. I recommend making a drawing with colored pencils and paper before creating the object, or try making it on graph paper with each graph symbolizing a pixel. This will let you prefect what the final project will look like. Also, when working on something, try to find a picture of the object on the internet or use a tangable copy of that object.

    Realistic vs. Comical
    There are several different ways of saying either of the above styles, and I am sorry if I offended any comic artists, this is not the same thing as the comic you see in the papers.

    Realistic art deals with all of nature's effects in the most natural way possible. It does not exagerate. It does not make it 'look funny'. It only shows what is there and no more. Realistic art is the stuff you see in most 'late 2D' computer games (such as Age of Empires II or Civilization III). The graphics are created with shade and shadow in mind. The banner below is in the realistic style. It was made completely on the computer.

    http://i385.photobucket.com/albums/oo3 00/Imparus/Untitled-2.png

    Comic art deals with taking natural things and making them exagerated and... well... comical. Comical art is usually less detail-oriented and more 'point' oriented (meaning that it is oriented towards making a point about the person or object the art is of). Comical art often (and less accurately) includes overly pixelated art and art that was poorly drawn. An example of comical art is below. It was also completely drawn on the computer. This example is actually partially comical, but quite realistic due to the complexity of the shading.

    Oh, and by the by, stick figures and such fall under comical.

    http://i385.photobucket.com/albums/oo3 00/Imparus/ConceptSketch.png
    (picture (c) 2010 by Pjorg Studios, an affiliate of Samulis)

    Which style is your choice... you decide which you want to use in your game or project. Different games require different types of art and different people to make them. Pjorg, the creator of the second piece of art, made those characters for a comedy animation. The first piece of art, which was done by me, was made for my quite serious fantasy RPG I am making (Nervonius).

    This tutorial will mainly focus on the Realistic side of things.

    Image Formats- Which is Best
    Don't let the dozen or so formats of images confuse you! It's really quite simple. Think about audio files... there are .wav files, which are almost un-compressed, then there are low-quality .mp3 files which are quite compressed. Images work the same way. There are compressed image types, such as .jpg, and there are un-compressed image types, like .png.

    For now, all I am going to say is stay away from .jpg files if you can... they get all these random little messed up pixel things (see the comic example below, notice how the first half is kind-of messed up looking?). Go for .png if you can, but .bmp and .tiff are both ok. .png are my favorites, they can have 'transperent' pixels AND the purple ones favored by Engine001. On the other hand, .jpg, .bmp, and .tiff only use the purple colored 'invisible' color (255 red, 0 green, 255 blue).

    If a certian file type pleases you the most (or because one is small but good looking), go with that one... just make sure you understand what you are doing.

    Programs for Art and Selecting Your Program
    When selecting your program, you need to be aware of what you want to make and how you want to make it. There are many programs out there for different uses and there are many which are both free and very expensive. Here is a short list of ones I have played around with:

    Photoshop CS4 (ranked 'best')-
    PSCS4 as I call it is an extremely powerful 2D and partial 3D art program. With it you can make pixel art that looks extremely realistic and you can also do very high quality photomanipulation. Here are some PSCS4 projects:

    http://fc03.deviantart.net/fs70/i/2010 /062/3/8/Kings_and_Kingdoms_with_Drago n_by_Lord_Samulis.png

    A Photo-Manipulation (when you take a number of photos and run them through various filters and color changes to make a final picture) done by me for a movie a guy is making.

    http://i385.photobucket.com/albums/oo3 00/Imparus/Middle_Ages_house1.png

    A house graphic for Nervonius.

    Microsoft Paint (ranked 'worst')-
    MS Paint, although being a very simple program, can be used for more complex things. I will show you ways later on how to make graphics like the banner you saw before in paint. I started out in paint and made various pieces of art before I discovered Photoshop. In all truth, it is a good starting place, but you will certianly need to go to a program like GIMP (mentioned below) or Photoshop if you want to be a serious graphics creator.

    http://fc02.deviantart.net/fs43/f/2009 /079/e/3/Samulis_the_Mercenary__Part_I _by_Lord_Samulis.png

    This comic is probabily as good as anything that can ever be made in Paint (however, you could do one better with what I am going to teach you).

    http://i385.photobucket.com/albums/oo3 00/Imparus/CompasRosesmall.jpg

    A good example of a .jpg made in MS Paint, it is blurry and cannot be easily edited in Paint or most programs. STAY AWAY FROM .JPG IN PAINT AT ALL COSTS.

    GIMP (ranked 2nd to best)-
    Gimp is GREAT for moderate artists or artists who want the same thing as Photoshop without the cost. Although I mainly use PSCS4 and its predecessor, Photoshop Elements 5, I have worked with GIMP and found it a sturdy and reliable program for doing most of the things that Photoshop can do. If you are working on MS Paint, I urge you to learn the ropes of GIMP as soon as possible for the sake of your art. I don't have any examples for GIMP because I don't normally use it, but I can tell you that most GOOD art done on a computer that is NOT done with a 'Pay-to-draw' program like Photoshop is most likely done with GIMP or other like programs.

    By the way, I usually call GIMP 'Photoshop's Little Brother'. It really is a good program.

    Seashore and Other Programs-
    I can assure you there are other useful programs out there like Seashore and ones that are just as powerful as GIMP and Photoshop, but I have not tried those out. If you want me to test a program for you (it must be free/have a trial download), I will gladly do so.

    Alternative Programs-

    There are also many programs you can use that are not called drawing programs, Adobe Flash CS4 being one, another could be pretty much any program where you have a pen tool available to you. The picture you saw above for 'Comical Style' was done on Flash... here is another one:

    http://i385.photobucket.com/albums/oo3 00/Imparus/hoplite.png

    (c) 2010 by Samulis

    How to Select the Best Program
    Question time: What do you want to do with your image program?

    Here are some answers and what you should get:

    A. Make a few very basic pictures with basic shading- get Paint or similar low-powered program.

    A. Make a lot of medium-high quality pictures with lots of changes and shading and... - get GIMP or similar higher powered program, such as Photoshop Elements (I think it is Elements 9 that is the latest...)

    A. Make a lot of extremely high quality pictures with lots of layers and manipulations and filters... - get Photoshop CS4 or Elements or a smiliar PAY-TO-DRAW program.


    I bolded answer two, that one is probabily the most applicable to most of you. Answer 1 is for if you are probabily just a programmer or if you are content with the graphics from the program or ones that someone else made for you.

    If you want to go the extra mile and do answer 3, good for you, you're ready for the industry, but that doesn't mean you're in it yet... once you mow a few dozen lawns or work a few weeks to pay off the purchase, you'll be ready to begin. Only go the extra mile if you can... and be warned, effects can often make the 'invisible' pixels go funky when imported into programs like Paint.

    How to Make it Look Like You 'Went the Extra Mile'
    With GIMP and Photoshop, you have two very powerful sets of tools at your finger tips for drawing either type of style (Realistic vs. Comical). For realistic, you have the dodge and burn tool, the paintbrush tool (if used with association with the 'shift' key to make straight lines), the healing brush tool, and a number of filters and brush styles to give you the best possible picture. GIMP also has their own dodge and burn tool and the paintbrush tool, along with their own healing brush and a number of simple filters. Here's a picture that could be done with either program and a bit of detail on how it was done:

    http://i385.photobucket.com/albums/oo3 00/Imparus/archrange.png

    I started by drawing the framework in brown then going over it again and again to 'fortify' the lines. Then, I did the roof.

    The roof was done with the base color (a medium gray) then the dodge and burn tools were used to give that look of shading and gradients. Lastly for the roof, I added in the fake edges of the natural stones.

    The walls were next. I put on a plain peach/skin-tone color and then used a rough brush with an opacity of 60% to lightly 'dab' on the wear and tear on the stucco. Lastly, to finish the work, I used the sponge tool on 'desaturate' to 'draw out' the color in areas to make it look more worn.

    The tower follows the same thing as the roof, but without the lines being drawn in at the end. The doors and windows went in last, just a brush going around on an opacity of 90%.


    If you don't know what half those words are, that's ok. It just means you aren't a photoshopaholic like me. ;)

    For GIMP and Photoshop, you should be familiar with these terms:

    Color, Opacity(The opposite of Transparency), Brush, Dodge (it makes things lighter looking), Burn (it makes things darker looking), Saturate (the process of making colors more vivid), Desaturate (the process of making colors less vivid), Shading (the process of applying light to a two dimesional image), Gradient(basically when you take two colors from the color weel and it puts out those colors at opposite ends and every color in between).

    For Paint, you probabily only know these:

    Color, Brush, Gradient, Shading.

    Well, mabye only Color and Brush, but at the very least, you must have heard of Shading and gradient at some point in your life...

    In Paint, you are working with the bare minimum in editing tools. You have selection tools, 6 brushes, a text tool, a line tool, and a shape tool... and that's about it. To make up for that, you have to know your color weel cold. You need ot understand the art of light and how it affects shapes and materials. If you go around using pre-made gradients or none at all and call it 'Realistic art', no one will believe you.

    Flag/Banner Tutorial
    So, let's make a banner in Paint. If you have GIMP or Photoshop, this part may appeal to you anyway, and I will have (in italics) the steps for GIMP/Photoshop.

    First, open up the program and go into Image, then attributes and change the file so that is 64 pixels tall and 32 pixels wide.

    (Open up Photoshop/GIMP, file>new, type in attributes: 64 pixels high, 32 wide, in GIMP, hit 'Advanced Options' and have background filled with Transparency (optional). In PS, click file>new, type in attributes, and then have background filled with transparency (optional), MAKE SURE THE COLOR SETTINGS ARE RBG, 8-BIT.)

    Zoom in to 400% (view>zoom>custom>400%).

    (GIMP: in the drop-down menu at the bottom of the editing canvas screen that shows a 100%, bring that 100 to 400%) (PS Elements 5: use the scroll in the middle of your mouse; PSCS4: In the box in the top-rightish of the screen that shows a 100%, type in 400 and hit the enter key).

    Now, with the pen tool (the smallest circle or smallest square, don't use the pencil tool... you can't see what you are doing) or rectange tool , draw a rectangle that takes up the center of the picture and fill it in, like this...

    http://i385.photobucket.com/albums/oo3 00/Imparus/flagtut.png

    (same for both programs, in PS, make sure the hardness of the brush/drawing is at 100% hardness, and in both, use a 2px/3px brush size. Fill using paint bucket tool... then go over on the inside of the lines in PS to make sure there is no transparency in the box).

    Cut away at the sides of your flag to make it look like this using the paintbrush on the smallest circle painting white...

    http://i385.photobucket.com/albums/oo3 00/Imparus/flagtut-1.png

    (use the eraser tool on the other two programs)

    Now, do something I call 'seeing the light'. Look at the flag and see where it is closer and further if it were 3D. I see the part to the left as closer. If a part is closer, it is more in the light than if it is further (since it is closer to paralell to the light source, which is up). If it is further, it is also in the shadows, so it is darker. With the smallest circle in the paintbrush arsenal, draw lines of slightly darker reds as it goes to the right. When it gets to the furthest right, STOP GOING DARKER. Also, at the top (but not completely) have a few bands of lighter reds. Don't make it perfectly straight... you want it to be slightly 'interweaved'.

    Select a darker red by going colors>edit colors>define custom colors and moving the little arrow down the bar to the right a tiny bit. Your flag should now look like this (hopefully)...

    http://i385.photobucket.com/albums/oo3 00/Imparus/flagtut-2.png

    (In both programs, use the burn (exposure: 20%) tool as it goes 'back' and the dodge (exposure: 20%) tool as it comes 'forward' in the manner prescribed above, don't paint it like above, just use the burn and dodge)

    Now draw on your symbol with shading in mind... get darker where the red gets darker and lighter where the red gets lighter. Congrats, believe it or not, but you are done! You may want to add a beam above the flag or a pole to mount it on.

    http://i385.photobucket.com/albums/oo3 00/Imparus/flagtut-3.png

    (In both programs, try drawing the symbol on a seperate layer and then just applying the burn/dodge on that symbol, then merge the layers and publish.)

    GIMP Finished:

    http://i385.photobucket.com/albums/oo3 00/Imparus/flagfinGIMP.png

    PSCS4 Finished (notice little bits of semi-transparent red? use that eraser like there's not tommarow and make sure you get 'em all):

    http://i385.photobucket.com/albums/oo3 00/Imparus/flagfinPSCS4.png

    If you have any questions about the above tutorial, send me a private message or an e-mail (samulis@live.com).

    It's all your decison!

    What you do and need to get done with your art is all your choice. You can do anything you want with art programs, and don't let anyone tell you that your art sucks. If they do, go back to the drawing board and TRY AGAIN. The key to sucess in art is trying. If you put 10 minutes into a piece of art, it will never be as good as if you put an hour. Remember what you are trying to achieve with the art that you are making and remember what style you want to use. It is all very important.

    And lastly, good luck!


    Credits and Copyright Informations
    Nota Bene: All art used in this tutorial is either the intellectual property of Samulis or his affiliates. Do not copy any image from this tutorial without permission. The creator gives full permission to the owner and moderators of this website and program to make use of the graphics included, and the text is for all to use. Please send Samulis a message if this tutorial confuses you or if a part is unclear or out of date. Thank you.

    Posted by samulis - February 21st, 2010

    Ok, I know there are people out there who are giving my songs '0's for no reason after only listening to the first few measures. I want you to know that by doing that, you make me write more and you make me write longer, faster, and better. That does not, and will not, discorage me from composing music. The only way to discorage me from composing is to leave a comment telling me why you think I am not a good composer or to send me a message. I will not let people just zero-bomb my stuff because they don't like the first two measures- that's not being a critic, that's being a fool. A good critic must be fair and thoughtful. Giving things zeroes for no reason is certianly not fair and clearly not thoughtful. If you disagree with me on this, how about you give a good solid argument against it and not just sit around giving zeroes because you're bored. Any person with any maturity (which I feel most of you have a large amount of maturity and wisdom) should not be sitting around giving things zeroes, no matter how bored they are. Why don't you go play a good flash game or somthing instead of messing with the voting system? People are allowed to vote because it is expected of them to use that power wisely, that's the most basic part of all Republics and Democracies... that power is spread fairly and equally and that people are respected. Giving a zero for no reason is not respectful at all.

    Posted by samulis - February 9th, 2010

    Yes, i'm still playing with music... this time, I think I finally made a song worth listening to. After a few hours of point-and-click composing on the computer in Linux Multi Media Studio 0.4.6, I managed to use some soundfonts and a handful of melodies I learned through quite a bit of experimenting. Most of the music made durring those experiments isn't going to be released (and for a good reason too... they would get removed...). On the other hand, you have some more music, perhaps a 2-5 minute song a month or every few weeks or so... I would also love for people to leave advice or comments... the more you tell me on how to improve, the better the music will become.

    Posted by samulis - January 21st, 2010

    Recently I have dove into the concept of music. I have submitted two songs tot he portal, but they are both under judgement currently and probably won't be out into the portal for... a few more days. I already have been waiting three days for one of them, and I assume it must take a week or so for the moderators to actually get to them... if you count all the new artists they have to evaluate.

    Anyway, if they do get through, expect them shortly. I did some work on themes and harmony in different instraments and octaves.

    Posted by samulis - January 4th, 2010

    Greetings, my fellow animators, musicians, and film-makers! I am a mediocre animator with most of my skills in creating functional menus (a.k.a. interactive stuff like websites) and some quite simple flash animations. My main skill is as a film-maker, but I also do a lot of work on creating backdrops for flash films and audio soundtrack editing/recording on Adobe Soundbooth CS4. If you want to view my film work and other projects, you can check out my DeviantArt account here. If you have any questions, feel free to e-mail me at samulis@live.com. :)